Heating Repair
Furnace and Heating repair in Athens GA
Don’t fight with your furnace like Ralphie’s father did on A Christmas Story. Furnace repair is our profession. Emergency heating repair should be left to the experts! There is nothing worse than waking up cold in the middle of the night. It's one thing if your covers slipped away, but it's a bigger problem if your furnace is broken or working poorly.
call hvac services for furnace and heating repair
When your heating system isn’t working properly, call Jordan Air. Our team of friendly technicians is prepared to provide quick, affordable service for all your gas furnace repair needs at any time with our 24 hour HVAC services. Our experienced techs are skilled at servicing all major brands of equipment. With a fleet of well-stocked vehicles, our technicians are often able to perform your heating repairs in just one visit.
Jordan Air’s technicians come in and get straight to work assessing and fixing your furnace problem. Furnace repair is one of our specialties here at Jordan Air so you can trust us to fix your furnace the right way. Don't get cold feet!–literally and figuratively–call Jordan Air for your furnace repair needs.
Furnace technical inspection
furnace maintenance
Whether your furnace is making weird noises, not blowing air, creating strange odors, turning on and off too quickly, or anything else, Jordan Air is here to get things back to normal. Having your system inspected periodically is crucial. It is much better to catch an issue while it needs only minor repairs before it becomes a major endeavor.
DIY Solutions to furnace problems.
Some people think it is costly to call furnace maintenance specialist to troubleshoot furnace. Here are some steps you can take to make sure your furnace is working again.
Is your thermostat turned on?
One of the basic check ups you can start with is to check your programmable thermostat. Make sure it’s on and has power in it. Find it on one of the walls in your house around the same height as a light switch. The display should be active. What if this little device lost power supply, then it can’t tell your furnace to start heating when the temperature is low enough for the furnace to turn on. Some people forget to check the thermostat and this is one of the first things on the checklist to troubleshoot your furnace.
Now make sure the furnace is on and set to heat. During warm seasons we may not notice that thermostat was turned off accidentally. If this happened turn it on and raise the heat level up to a position where furnace kicks in and wait to see if warm air is coming in. Increase the temperature if needed.
Is your gas turned on?
Your gas valve will be located within 6 feet of the furnace. Furnace valve should have a bright colored handle, normally red or yellow. They are similar to water shut off valves in design, but sometimes they look like little boxes.
You should check if this valve is open. Lever position will indicate the status of the gas valve. If lever is parallel to the valve body or the pipe it means it’s open. Perpendicular position of the lever means opposite. So make sure it’s open and gas is flowing through the pipe.
Now you checked the main points in you furnace troubleshooting checklist. If the gas coming into your house then your furnace should kick on. Double check your home appliances like stove and gas fireplace if gas is present there. When all the valves in the house are open and there is still no gas then continue your investigation outside. Next thing to check is outside gas valve. Make sure it is open. If you found it open and still no gas in the house its time to call your utility company to see if there is a service crew working on the line near by. Also check your account status to see if everything is ok and no bills missed or no incomplete utility payments. Human factors may cause service interruptions.
If you discovered a gas leak during your investigation the best solution is to call 9-1-1 and follow their instructions. Gas leakage is dangerous.
Is your furnace turned on at all?
The furnace switch may look like a regular light switch and can be easily mistaken by someone who is unfamiliar with the house and be turned off by accident. Furnace power switch off is common thing. Locate power switch on the furnace it self or nearby wall. Typical on position is up and off is down, if its not labeled otherwise. Turn it on and wait for furnace to start up, it may take a few minutes for some furnaces.
Call for a furnace repair professional
If your furnace still won’t turn on after trying steps mentioned above call Jordan Air technician to make your life easier. JA specialists are trained to fix what you can’t on your own. Call now 706-769-0661!