5 Reasons to Buy a Tankless Water Heater

  1. Endless Hot Water - Say goodbye to cold showers because you’ll never run out of hot water! Tankless water heaters heat on-demand providing hot water anytime you need it.

  2. Save Money! - Tankless water heaters will help you save water and energy. You won't have to waste water getting that temperature just right. Plus, tankless water heaters are around 30% more energy efficient than standard water heaters!

  3. Avoid Cold Showers - With a tankless water heater, you'll have hot water on-demand. That’s right! You can have access to hot water whenever you need it - even if you’re the last one in the house to take a shower.

  4. Lasts Longer! - The standard, tank-style, water heaters tend to last around 10 years. A tankless water heater can operate for 20 years or longer! A tank-style water heater is constantly powered on and can accumulate minerals at the bottom of the tank. On the other hand, tankless water heaters are only working when you need them versus trying to constantly keep a tank of water hot. You could say tankless water heaters work smarter not harder.

  5. GET UP TO $500 OFF! - Jordan Air is offering $200 off of a tankless water heater install! ALSO, the $300 federal tax credit for certain models was EXTENDED through 2022. What more could you ask for!?


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