Water Heater Flush

Your water heater needs regular maintenance just like any other appliance in your home. Visual inspections will only find obvious issues such as exterior rust or piping leaks, but the only sure-fire way to feel confident in your water heater is to have it flushed regularly.

What is a water heater flush? When professionals drain your water heater tank.

Why should I get my water heater flushed? It’s simple… to prevent costly repairs and floods and to extend the life of your water heater. Draining the water will flush out all of the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the tank. An extreme amount of sediment can cause the water heater to work harder to heat your water or even burst.

How often do I need to flush my water heater? Our recommendation is once a year.

Do I need to flush a tankless water heater? Yes. Tankless water heaters may not hold as much as traditional tanks, but they can still have a buildup of sediment that requires cleaning.

Is this included in your Air Care Club membership? No. It would be similar to having your blower wheel or coil cleaned in the HVAC world. We do offer a coupon below with a great offer for ACC members.


Click below to schedule your water heater flush today!